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Hoya Serpens (Collection number 7) 10cm Pot

Hoya Serpens (Collection number 7) 10cm Pot

Regular price $22.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 AUD
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The Hoya Serpens stands as an exemplar of botanical rarity and aesthetic allure, making it a highly prized specimen among horticulturists and collectors alike. Native to the Himalayan regions of India and Nepal, this plant graces its environment with a delicate, yet captivating presence, offering both visual and biological intrigue.

The Hoya Serpens is characterised by its small, succulent-like, heart-shaped leaves, densely packed along vining stems. This compact leaf arrangement serves as a moisture-retaining strategy, allowing the plant to adapt to the variable climatic conditions of its native habitat.

Furthermore, the plant is known for its distinctive, fuzzy, star-shaped flowers, its leaves, though small, are richly textured and often feature prominent venation that adds a layer of visual complexity. The flowers, usually clustered in umbels, exude a subtle fragrance and present a soft, almost ethereal appearance, making the plant a focal point in any collection.

It thrives best under bright, indirect light conditions and prefers a well-draining potting mix, rich in organic matter. Overwatering is to be assiduously avoided, as it can lead to root rot. The plant benefits from higher humidity levels but can adapt to average household conditions with relative ease. Its care requirements, while specific, are not prohibitively demanding, making it a viable choice for both amateur and seasoned growers.

Due to its vining nature, a support structure or hanging arrangement can help showcase its beauty most effectively. 


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