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Hoya Serpens (Collection number 7) Multi-planted in 13cm Hanging pot

Hoya Serpens (Collection number 7) Multi-planted in 13cm Hanging pot

Regular price $33.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $33.00 AUD
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The Hoya Serpens stands as an exemplar of botanical rarity and aesthetic allure, making it a highly prized specimen among horticulturists and collectors alike. Native to the Himalayan regions of India and Nepal, this plant graces its environment with a delicate, yet captivating presence, offering both visual and biological intrigue.

The Hoya Serpens is characterised by its small, succulent-like, heart-shaped leaves, densely packed along vining stems. This compact leaf arrangement serves as a moisture-retaining strategy, allowing the plant to adapt to the variable climatic conditions of its native habitat.


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