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Hoya Wilbur Graves (Collection 211) 10cm Pot R4

Hoya Wilbur Graves (Collection 211) 10cm Pot R4

Regular price $24.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 AUD
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Hoya Wilbur Graves, an exceptional and sought-after variety of the Hoya genus, captivates plant enthusiasts with its distinctive silvery speckled foliage and vining growth habit. This cultivar, believed to be a variation of Hoya carnosa, is renowned for its striking leaves that shimmer with silver flecks, creating a dazzling effect that enhances its ornamental appeal.

Hailing from tropical and subtropical regions, Hoya Wilbur Graves thrives in bright, indirect light and well-draining soil, much like other Hoyas. Its ability to tolerate varying light conditions and its resilience make it a favourite among collectors and beginners alike. With proper care, this Hoya may also reward its caretaker with clusters of fragrant, star-shaped flowers, further amplifying its charm.

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